How To Filter Blue Light On iPhone? 4 Easy Steps

Are you struggling to sleep after using your iPhone at night? You’re not alone. The culprit could be blue light emitted from your screen. 

To filter blue light on your iPhone, go to Settings > Display & Brightness > Night Shift. So, you can schedule the Night Shift to turn on automatically or manually enable it to reduce blue light exposure.

In this article, we’ll explore how blue light affects your sleep and health and provide practical solutions to reduce its impact using your iPhone’s features.

See Also: How To Turn Off Blue Light iPhone? 3 Quick Solutions

How Does Blue Light Affects Sleep And Health?

Have you ever wondered why you feel wide awake after using your iPhone before bed? Blue light is to blame. It tricks your brain into thinking it’s daytime, disrupting melatonin production. This hormone is crucial for sleep. So, less melatonin means poorer sleep quality.

But it’s not just sleep. Staring at your screen can lead to eye strain and discomfort. Hence, it’s like a double whammy for your health. For more on the impact of blue light and sleep, read about how to manage screen time.

How To Use Night Shift To Reduce Blue Light?

Good news! Your iPhone has a built-in solution called Night Shift. Here’s how to use it:

  • Activate Night Shift: Go to Settings > Display & Brightness > Night Shift.
  • Schedule Night Shift: Set it on automatically at sunset or a specific time.
  • Adjust Warmth: Slide the color temperature to a warmer tone. So, the warmer, the better for your eyes and sleep.

By customizing the Night Shift, you can reduce blue light exposure, making it easier to fall asleep and keep your eyes comfortable. However, for additional tips on adjusting your iPhone settings for better sleep, check out this guide.

How To Apply Color Filters For Stronger Blue Light Reduction?

Want even more substantial blue light reduction? Use Color Filters. Hence, here’s how:

  1. Enable Color Filters: Go to Settings > Accessibility > Display & Text Size > Color Filters. Toggle it on.
  2. Select Color Tint: Choose ‘Color Tint’ as your filter. This adds a red overlay, reducing blue light.
  3. Adjust Intensity: The ‘Intensity’ slider increases the red filter strength.
  4. Create A Shortcut: For quick access, set up a triple-click shortcut. Go to Settings > Accessibility > Accessibility Shortcut > Color Filters. Now, triple-click the side button to switch filters on or off. However, for more on iPhone accessibility features, explore how to enhance your device’s accessibility.

How To Adjust Display Settings And Brightness?

For comfortable viewing, adjust your display settings:

  • Manual Brightness: Swipe up from the bottom of the screen (or down from the top-right on newer models) to access the Control Center. Drag the brightness slider to lower the screen brightness, especially in darker environments.
  • Use True Tone: This feature adjusts the screen’s color temperature based on your surroundings. Go to Settings > Display & Brightness and toggle on True Tone. Hence, it makes the screen more accessible to the eyes by reducing harsh blue light. To learn more about True Tone and other display settings, read here.

How To Utilize Blue Light Reducing Apps And Screen Protectors?

Besides built-in features, consider third-party apps for extra blue light filtering. Apps like “Twilight” or “f.lux” offer customizable settings to suit your needs. Remember, screen protectors! So, some are designed to filter out blue light, providing eye and physical screen protection.

See Also: How To Put Blue Light Filter On iPhone: Easy Setup Guide

What Are The Lifestyle Changes For Minimizing Blue Light Exposure?

Reducing blue light exposure is about more than just tech solutions. Hence, consider these lifestyle changes:

  • Limit Screen Time: Before bed, reduce screen time to help your brain wind down.
  • Use Grayscale Mode: This reduces screen stimuli, making them less engaging and easier on the eyes.
  • Embrace Dark Mode: Many apps and devices offer a Dark Mode, which uses darker colors and less blue light.

See Also: How To Edit Photos On iPhone To Look Professional: Tips & Tricks


How does blue light affect sleep?

Blue light suppresses melatonin production, making it harder to fall asleep and reducing sleep quality.

Can filtering blue light on an iPhone improve sleep quality?

Night shifts and colour filters reduce exposure to blue light, potentially improving sleep quality.

Are there any downsides to reducing blue light on iPhones?

Reducing blue light may affect colour accuracy but significantly benefits sleep and eye health.

How does reducing blue light help with eye strain?

Lowering blue light exposure reduces eye strain and discomfort, especially during prolonged screen use.

What are the best ways to reduce blue light exposure?

Utilise iPhone's Night Shift, Color Filters, and True Tone. Consider blue light apps, screen protectors, and lifestyle changes like decreasing screen time before bed.


In our digital world, blue light exposure is hard to avoid. But with the right strategies, like using Night Shift, Color Filters, third-party apps, and lifestyle changes, you can protect your sleep and eye health. So, start making these adjustments today for a healthier, more restful tomorrow.

See Also: How To Change Exposure On iPhone: Enhancing Your Photos

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